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Lieberman Software 09/06/2017

Cyber Defense Behind the Firewall - Lieberman Software

Next generation firewalls, intrusion detection systems and the like are potent deterrents against known dangers. But when it comes to advanced zero day threats and targeted phishing attacks, perimeter security is ineffective. The bad guys always seem to get in.

So, what can you do? Stay one step ahead with security that blocks intruders from extending their access. With adaptive privilege management, you can fortify, prevent and pre-empt criminal access to your organization.

Lieberman Software Corporation is a cyber security software company whose products help customers isolate and contain data breaches that occur after cyber attacks penetrate the network perimeter. With its proactive cyber defense solutions, Lieberman Software protects access to systems with sensitive data from advanced persistent threats (APTs) and other forms of malware, as well as malicious insiders with elevated privileges.

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